Sri Lanka Telecom PLC


Top Community Care Companies In Asia

Sri Lanka Telecom PLC

Top Community Care Companies In Asia


Sri Lanka Telecom PLC

“Sri Lanka Telecom has distinguished itself with its community programme “Preserving Heritage for Tomorrow”, which encourages the public to preserve the rich heritage of the country, be it in terms of biodiversity / environment and nature or arts and culture.”

A blue-chip brand with a history of One Hundred and Fifty Nine years, Sri Lanka Telecom PLC is a household and integral member of communities in its country. Sri Lanka Telecom recognises that ICT plays a catalytic role for economic and social prosperity in Sri Lanka by empowering citizens with ICT. Community development initiatives earmarked by Sri Lanka Telecom are aligned with government vision and the organisation’s obligations as a telecommunications operator.

All corporate social responsibility and sponsorship activities are handled by the Corporate Relations Section and supported by all staff at all Regional Telecom offices island-wide, plus the collaboration of select external partners. The company allocates a significant budget annually in support of this programme.
Sri Lanka Telecom has in place a code of conduct that contain guiding principles for employees that outlines their responsibilities when carrying out their duties with personal and corporate integrity, more so when interacting with customers, suppliers, competitors and the community. The company also has an Energy Policy in place.

As these community care initiatives and projects are carried out, one intangible benefit is the fostering of a culture of community service amongst Sri Lanka Telecom staff. Activities are often initiated and organised by employees, reflecting the ingrained culture of communal responsibility within the organisation; emails are circulated to inform and canvass peer support or by broadcasting in the company’s bi-monthly magazine. Motivation and encouragement are then spread company-wide via these channels, prompting future community projects. Sri Lanka Telecom being socially aware on such an organised scale has resulted in the company’s employees finding an avenue for them to express themselves outside of their formal roles, to such an extent that sensitivity to social needs has become part of the corporate culture, bringing another dimension to the way the company interacts and serves communities.
More tangible benefits are those related to visibility for Sri Lanka Telecom and the positive association between the organisation and its good deeds for the community.

The company employs various methods with which to measure the results of their community care policies, and these include engagement, reach, opinion formation and post-programme assessment.

The Sri Lanka Telecom commitment to community care is an inspiring example of how individuals can be galvanised to come together as a collective force to bring positive impact to the communities beyond corporate boundaries.

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