Green and Smart Sdn Bhd


Responsible SMEs In Asia

Green and Smart Sdn Bhd

Responsible SMEs In Asia


Green & Smart Sdn Bhd

“The company’s day-to-day activities are driven by efforts to combat greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and environmental pollution in the country.”

Registered under the Malaysian Companies Act 1965 on 11 March 1980, Green & Smart Sdn Bhd is an independent power producer (IPP) through the construction, operation and ownership of biogas power plants that provide electricity to the Malaysian National Grid through the Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) mechanism. They are also an engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning (EPCC) contractor of biogas plants.
Additionally, the company treats palm oil mill effluent (POME) waste from palm oil mills for the biogas capture process and collaborates with mill owners, offering its expertise in constructing, managing and maintaining the biogas processing plants onsite as well providing waste water treatment solutions for the palm oil industry sector.

More uniquely, Green & Smart’s core business activities themselves are a Corporate Social Responsibility, as the company’s day-to-day activities are driven by efforts to combat greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and environmental pollution in the country, especially with the Malaysian Government’s recently increased focus on POME waste treatment and the subsequent capture of biogas as a byproduct of the palm oil production process.

Since becoming an IPP, the company has successfully completed its flagship biogas power plant located in FELDA Kahang, Kluang, Johor, the first ever in Malaysia to be connected to the national grid via Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB).
Via Green & Smart’s efforts, people living in the surrounding rural areas within its project sites have been able to benefit from electricity generated through clean energy with the added benefit of being able to be breath healthier air, due to reduction in GHGs released into the environment. The people living in the surrounding rural areas have further enjoyed employment and job opportunities at its project sites.

These activities also help support the Malaysian Government’s 11th Malaysia Plan; supporting palm oil mill owners to reduce the chemical oxygen demand (COD), ensuring that they meet with Department of Environment (DOE) and Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) requirements and standards.

They also pursue spin-off projects for applications such as bio-fertilizers and bio-polishing, and are also involved in seminars, talks, and exhibitions to share, enlighten and create awareness for the public on their activities in the renewable energy sector for the Malaysian government.
As a corporation, Green & Smart feel that measurement for the result of their CSR work is subjective, as all the electricity generated per month at their biogas power plant is transmitted to the grid. As awareness grows about their market niche, they answer enquiries from palm oil mills domestic and abroad regarding their expertise. The company also receives a number of invitations to participate in the seminars, talks, forums and exhibitions held for the public and the relevant industries by the Malaysian Government.

With a history in wastewater treatment closing in on 40 years, Green & Smart has become equally known for being experts in their field of research and development. The company has also garnered recognition and won numerous accolades and awards both from the private and public sectors; carried out numerous projects across Asia including a World Bank project and four biogas capture facilities owned by Felda Palm Industries Sdn Bhd. Green & Smart is also the first Malaysian company listed on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange (LSE) in the renewable energy sector as well as being champions in the RE sector and creating awareness on the misperception regarding the palm oil industry.

Each member of their staff are part of the overall project as each contributes their knowledge, skills and expertise for each and every project that the company undertakes, thus bringing professionalism and technical know-how into their corporate social responsibility activities.

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