We strive to deliver beautifully-designed projects to meet our client’s costs, schedule and functional requirements, all which helps us to access our client’s level of satisfaction which is the key success indication for us. We also evaluate ourselves based on our degree of innovation, thought leadership and leadership in our industry as large as Gensler is we feel the key responsibility is to help our industry improve. I evaluate my personal success in terms of inspiring and empowering our teams and creating and open and diverse cultural collaboration and support that fosters creativity and personal growth. Finally, instead of targeting easy problems, we seek to be successful in solving the difficult ones our world faces and we’re energized by the bright future for which we strive to design.
This award recognises an entrepreneur who is 40 years or below and has shown exceptional business performance, having built a name for themselves regardless of boundaries that may come with age. He/she embodies fine values, strong beliefs and unwavering dedication in their entrepreneurial pursuit, thus serving as an inspiration for aspiring young leaders.