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At the very young age, we’ve been taught and trained to really instill key values in life. That includes hardworking, humility as well as mutual respect. And that has actually been a very supportive and strong figure / pillar in terms of supportive my ambition all this while. And there has also been an inspiring figure for us, for me especially, because of his early beginning where he came from a very poor family, and the fact that he managed to get to the pinnacle of the medical profession, it’s really an inspiration for me.

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In supporting our national government’s plan to net zero at earliest by 2050, we are taking action throughout GVC program to empower SME supply chain partners to decarbonise their operation by providing them the necessary tools and training. On top of that, as one of the seven founding members of the Responsible Glove Alliance, we are working to enable collective effort between all glove suppliers and buyers towards reducing the risk of forced labour in rubber glove industry within Malaysia.

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MFE has been in Malaysia for the last 32 years, and Jim Robinson and I have been here for the last 25 years and I suppose in that time we have built a very strong team around us and that team has helped us to build great products and with a great service and you know we have been very successful in Malaysia and we are very successful globally, I think we work in 55 countries right now and we’re looking to expand all the time and for this trophy, Jim Robinson and I am accepting on behalf of him, and so I would like to send a huge congratulations and appreciation to Jim without him we wouldn’t be here today. So congratulations Jim, well done, well deserved. Thank you.

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I think in Matrix Group, sustainability is always our key word in our business plan, we think sustainability is a rewarding, long investment that we think most organisations should have in their business plan. As a developer, we always include the element of sustainability, and value creation in our township projects and in our businesses, so with this reward, I think it will drive us to move further and higher, and last but not least, I think as always reminded by our founder, you must know your business and do what you know best. Thank you.

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This award recognises an entrepreneur who is 40 years or below and has shown exceptional business performance, having built a name for themselves regardless of boundaries that may come with age. He/she embodies fine values, strong beliefs and unwavering dedication in their entrepreneurial pursuit, thus serving as an inspiration for aspiring young leaders.